Sunday, May 25, 2008

No more babies

The Family
Spent the day out and about. We didn't even take the stroller. It was great!! No diapers, no sippy cups, no snacks and no stroller. Life is good.
We rented Knocked Up last night and it made a little part of me want another baby. Just a little part. I am hoping that that little part of me goes away completely soon.

Friday, May 23, 2008

I love Greys

So I took this quiz and it was fun.

I was Callie.....
People are often intimidated by you; you're like a force of nature: strong, independent and a damn good dancer. You hide your vulnerable side under wisecracks but you bleed just like everyone else. It's okay to let people know that every now and then.

Not sure I'm a good dancer but the rest is pretty much right on.

Summer is here...

I am so excited!! It seems summers are getting shorter and the school year longer. So by the time the end of the year comes I am so happy for it to be over. No more homework battles, no more finding socks and shoes in the morning and no more making lunches until lunchtime!!

I do wish that summers for my kids were more like the ones I had as a kid. I remember hopping on my bike after breakfast and not returning home until lunch. Then I was back out again until dinner.
I don't feel comfortable letting my kids play in the driveway without adult supervision. Forget riding their bikes around the neighborhood or to a friends house. There's also the fact that we live where it gets up to 115 degrees on any given day in the summer.

So heres to SUMMER!!
Schools Out For Summer!!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day 2008

146/365 Happy Mother's Day~ Week 14, My kids and me!

I am one lucky mama. I have four healthy and smart children that really do love me, LOL!! Sometimes the two middle boys have a weird way of showing it but that's okay.
I got to sleep in today. I awoke to donuts and coffee. The best!! Ever since I haven't felt good though. My stomach is slightly off and my muscles ache. Hoping by bedtime I will feel better. I rented the movie Juno. Tried to watch it this afternoon...BAD idea. The kids were in and out of the room and of course they walk in as they show a condom going onto a banana....turned it off after that. Hopefully they won't talk about it at school tomorrow...heres to hoping.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.

So here it goes..

I am starting over. I have an awesome blog on my own domain using wordpress but it's getting too complicated for me . I am also running out of room on my server. So this is just easier. For now. Who knows if i'll even keep it up. I have a lot to say though, lol.

I am mom of 4 wonderful children, a photographer on the side and married to Mr. Fun for 12 years now....LOVE him.
Designed by Lena