Friday, May 23, 2008

Summer is here...

I am so excited!! It seems summers are getting shorter and the school year longer. So by the time the end of the year comes I am so happy for it to be over. No more homework battles, no more finding socks and shoes in the morning and no more making lunches until lunchtime!!

I do wish that summers for my kids were more like the ones I had as a kid. I remember hopping on my bike after breakfast and not returning home until lunch. Then I was back out again until dinner.
I don't feel comfortable letting my kids play in the driveway without adult supervision. Forget riding their bikes around the neighborhood or to a friends house. There's also the fact that we live where it gets up to 115 degrees on any given day in the summer.

So heres to SUMMER!!
Schools Out For Summer!!!!!

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Yay it's pink, love the header. Thanks for clueing my in on the move. I promise I won't snitch. LOL

Now to the husband thinks that I am nuts that I don't let my kids play in the driveway without supervision. I guess I need to tell him that my smart friend Mrs. Fun is the same way...and you have much older kids.

Woot to summer! Enjoy, we still have a few more weeks until school lets out.

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