Thursday, July 31, 2008

Am I tired but EXCITED

Thanks to some wonderful friends I have purchased a new site. I worked on it all day...then some wires got crossed and another photographer started adding her stuff. It was crazy...comical really.
After that all got straightened away I had to redo EVERYTHING I had done the prior 3 hours.
Crazy stuff but I am super excited to launch this site. I am waiting on an email......
so the waiting starts.....
Coming soon...
there's your sneak peek.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Is it Monday?

Oh my HELL!! It's Monday. Days run together for me. Days right now are determined by Mr. Fun's schedule. It's either his day off or not. That's summer glorious summer for you.
Two weeks from today the mini funs go back to school. This summer flew by. We didn't do anything spectacular. No family vacation, no water parks, no museums. We did take a lot of photos. I mean SO SO SO many photos. We attended a couple baseball games,rented lots of movies which we inhaled too much junk food while watching and played with lots of bubbles.
Just some random photos that scream summertime for me. I am sad it's coming to a close.

He's Golden...

After Dinner

Windows down

200/365   Happy Fouth of July


Sunday, July 27, 2008

We are together again... and more

JJ came home yesterday. My mom took G and JJ for what was going to be a 5 day trip and it turned into a 2 week trip. She brought them back home and somehow JJ ended going back with my mom. It was supposed to be for 3 days and she ended up staying 7 days.
Now it's time to get ready for school. There's shoes to buy, schedules to get on and most more junk food every day.
We also started chore charts with the boys. G is taking to it so well. T is still a little young to grasp it in full. Wy...what can I say about's going to take some learning with him. Lots of tough love, I think.

So Blu has decided to tease me longer and they extended their sale until Wednesday *sigh* So here I sit obsessing still.
This was my SP for today
223/365  You feelin' me?
So many reasons to be jumping for joy yet I am so bummed out.

~*Mrs. Fun*~

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here's to fighting the good fight.

T fell asleep while holding one eye open.
He fought it as long and as hard as he could
The boys were watching one of the Star Wars movies for the 500 billionth time. I decided to check on them since it was getting close to bedtime. I found him on the very edge of the chair. I thought he was awake at first and asked him something. When I didn't get a response I moved in closer and that's when i realized he was sleeping. Silly boy.

~*Mrs. Fun*~

Wanting sucks...

I don't ever really want anything..I don't buy clothes or shoes very often. If I do it's always on clearance. I NEVER buy anything for the house that isn't needed.
So when I want something and know I can't have it it makes me pouty and sad.
Blu is having a sale and the website I want is only $100 plus $100 to host with them for a year. It's usually $400 plus the $100.
I started brain storming ways I could get this money. Even if I did come up with it there are other things that are needed more like shoes and clothes for the kids. So I am blogging about it in hopes to put this behind me.
I am going to pout until the sale ends tomorrow and then move on with my life.

~*Mrs. Fun*~
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