Thursday, July 31, 2008

Am I tired but EXCITED

Thanks to some wonderful friends I have purchased a new site. I worked on it all day...then some wires got crossed and another photographer started adding her stuff. It was crazy...comical really.
After that all got straightened away I had to redo EVERYTHING I had done the prior 3 hours.
Crazy stuff but I am super excited to launch this site. I am waiting on an email......
so the waiting starts.....
Coming soon...
there's your sneak peek.


missysue said...

Congrats on your new site! I've been pining for the sale over at Blu as well. I have my fingers crossed that a payment comes through and I can get it by tomorrow! As long as I get signed up by midnight, it's all good!!! LOL

Jessie said...

Congrats on your new site. I can't wait to see it!

Kari said...

I can hardly wait - so happy for you. I feel like its mine or something, but if it were mine I'd probably be throwing up or something. LOL xoxo

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