Sunday, August 3, 2008

AHHHHHHH...............and some other stuff.

Oh my hell............. my head hurts.
My site is officially up
It's not 100%...still trying to find music but I am not having any luck. I want music with vocals. I want upbeat,fun yet soft music.

Now I am trying to create my blog....whole other monster. I have no clue where to start. OK, that's a lie I created the sub-domain for it. Now What?


Our good friends came over for a BBQ last night. He has been in Alaska for the past five months. It's good to have him home. He brought over some fresh salmon he caught in Alaska . I didn't eat it because I don't like salmon but I heard it was delicious .
We ate too much, drank too much and had a great night.
We went to walk them out and there was a very strong smell. The G-man said it smelled like french fries. If only he knew it was the good stuff they call pot *teehee*
We never did figure out where it was coming from. It was strong it had to be close.


Kari said...

it looks fabulous!!!!!!!

LOL at G-man! oh to be a kid :)

Head Gaggler said...

The site looks amazing. Great work!!

Rosie : ) said...

Site looks good. :)

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