Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So far so good...

Everyone is enjoying their school days. There wasn't any tears either..so far. I have to take Wy to school tomorrow and I am anticipating that he will cry.
JJ is going to ride the bus tomorrow..i hope that goes well so i won't have to take her or pick her up.

I had Wy's open house tonight and at first I wasn't happy with his teacher. Tonight I left there very pleased with her and I am excited to watch him and help him grow this school year.

I am hoping that I get the same feeling as I leave G's open house.

JJ likes all her teachers. She's not too sure about her science teacher but I am sure she'll come around and learn to like him. I am hoping that algebra isn't too hard for her and her love for math doesn't suffer.

T starts on the 26th..kets hope he loves it just as much a sthe other kids loved preschool.

1 comment:

Rosie : ) said...

No tears you say... even from Mom? ;)

Just teasing you. Happy that everything is going well in school.

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