Thursday, August 7, 2008

Touchy subject but who cares, LOL!!

I was watching some late late night talk show last night. There was a comedian on. I forget his name...I said it was late night and I should of been sleeping so I don't remember much about the details. I do remember he wasn't born here in America and hasn't been here that long. So anyways...
He said he didn't believe in God.....the silence was crazy. Then he breaks the silence with "does anyone in America ever say that?" That made me think... I rarely hear anyone say they don't believe in God. Why is that? Is it because they are afraid of what others will think? My faith is not strong. Do I believe there's a God? I like to think I do but I am a very matter of fact person. The idea of God is very comforting. The idea of heaven is heavenly. There is no actually proof that either exist. Yes, there's the bible but.......God himself didn't write it. Like this comedian said "have God give everyone a banana and then I'll believe"
I don't believe God has control over my life in anyway. I believe my actions and attitude do. I believe that if he is there he's there for comfort, that's it. He can not change the outcome of my life, only I can do that. Sure, I can pray but it's not God making me do one thing over's me.
Do I want my kids to believe in God? If they want to. I want them to be happy, respectful, successful, good people. I don't believe you have to believe in a higher power to be all those things. So it's their choice to believe what they will.

I hope i didn't offend's just me thinking out loud.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Wow - I totally agree with everything you wrote.:)
Going a little further, I really don't think that I "believe" at all but generally keep that to myself.
Love the blog, Mrs. Fun!
Kathryn (from CM & Flickr;) )

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